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"Exercise is Optional, Movement is Essential". What is the difference? Exercise is a modern invention, an obligation or chore designed to give us a way out, a get out of jail free card that lets us believe three weekly trips to the gym lets us off the hook with our bodies. It is pain, rather than pleasure driven. Most exercise regimes use machines and isolated exercises that make us experts in movements that are not practical TO EVERYDAY LIFE and are limited. 

Movement is something entirely different. Movement is ancient. Movement was here first. Hunting and gathering, walking, climbing, running, jumping, crawling, lifting, swimming, These are all movements the human body is designed for.

Being sedentary has become "normal". A modern human has the luxury to ask why run? Why jump? Why climb? When everything is accessible,  Most people have a disconnect between their mind and body. MOST OF US work in jobs that don't require our bodies, The relationship between our bodies and our movement is forgotten AND WE THEN only notice our bodies when "something goes wrong" with it. 

One of the biggest mistakes you can make when you start any kind of fitness routine, is to train for aesthetic. If you are only doing it to try and get the perfect arms OR perfect LEGS then you’ll never be content because there is no such thing as ‘the perfect body’. IF YOU CAN find a way of training you love and then do that to the best of your ability and for no other reason than the pleasure of doing it itself. you will discover that exercise can actually be fun and that the aesthetic you used to desire is thrown in as a bonus.

"To wild animals, movement is not a chore, not a temporary punishment for being physically lazy and out of shape, not an optional activity just for better looks."

— Erwan Le Corre


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